
The last two weeks have been an absolute nightmare in terms of assignments and Uni work. First I had to hand in a four thousand word short story which took me forever to write as I kept changing it. Then after I handed that monster in, I had to continue work on the big masterpiece – the 100 page screenplay. Honestly, I didn’t think I’d be able to complete it in time for the deadline.

Try as I may to keep at it, I found it really difficult to keep writing scenes and dialogue as I continually wanted to edit previous scenes and characters. I truly believe it’s been the hardest thing I’ve had to write! I admit I never fully realised the enormity of writing a full length feature screenplay. Which gives me a new appreciation for screenwriters out there be it for movies or TV. In fact, I think writing scripts for TV is actually harder than writing for a movie. Actually, that’s not a completely fair assessment. It’s akin to comparing apples to oranges as both employ different sets of writing techniques.

After handing in my screenplay yesterday evening, I told my lecturer I felt as though I’d given birth to the thing. I swear I’d been gestating the creature for the last nine months and when it was finally delivered, I was filled with a rush of relief. Now, comes the hard part of waiting for my grade. As much as I try to put it out of my mind so I can focus on my next assignment, it does gnaw away at me, haunting me with wanting to know how it stands in the world of good or bad scripts.

But it’s part and parcel of being a writer. As much as you agonise about putting your creation onto paper, there will come a time when you have to release it into the world and then prepare yourself for the response be it favourable or crucifixion. For now atleast, I’ll try to stay the execution and put my attentions on the next assignment that’s due in soon. Ah, Uni life…

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