Assignment stress

The best head stand

Everyone has been stressing about assignments, exam preparation and end of semester deadlines. In the library the other day we were all having a conversation about ‘stress’ and how we each handled it. I used to drink copious amounts of coffee to help me write and stay up late. My flatmate tends to ‘beautify’ herself to relieve stress so when it comes to exam period and all of us look like death warmed up, she always look impeccable with her manicure and pedicure and facial masks!

Another of my study buddies is an adrenalin junkie and he will run 6 kilometres every morning before coming to class. Since I decided my coffee habit was getting out of hand – too expensive and it was starting to give me the shakes, I have taken up yoga to help relax and release pre assignment stress.

I’ve done yoga in the past, my first foray in a yoga studio in Maida Vale when I was based in London. The studio taught Iyenger yoga which used props (belts, blocks, pillows) to help you build up your strength and stamina. I went with my friend Barbara and we throughly enjoyed the classes to the point we stuck with it for two years.

Now, fast forward a few years on it was interesting getting back into it again. For one, the yoga studio I attend now teaches Hatha yoga which includes more meditative techniques in the practice. All of which is perfect for alleviating stress or calming myself down. I admit I’ve been able to sleep better using the breathing techniques I’ve learnt and being able to soften my tense neck muscles. Many of my study buddies have complained of body aches and soreness from hunching over the table, staring at the laptop for too long and just general overexertion. The yoga moves have come in handy to depress the tension on these poor muscles. So, it looks like a few of my study buddies will be joining me for yoga classes!

3 thoughts on “Assignment stress

  1. It’s our mid-terms too! I too am relying on coffee to get through this, but it’s not working too well for either my health or my bank account. What works for me is walking. I ought to do more of it. Although, yoga sounds like a much better idea since New York’s getting colder by the day and those walks are becoming increasingly difficult!

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